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2018-05-09 S.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2018 – 2 PM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan. w/ TA Nina Nazarian; Karen Cruise.  Jon Fudeman absent.

Debt Service/operating budget – Nina distributed a chart showing the town’s estimated debt service through 2025 (including   existing and proposed debt) if all borrowing articles pass at ATM. By 202 5debt service would represent roughly 10 percent of the operating budget. Karen noted that the Advisory Cmte. has proposed a reduction in the operating budget of $78,000 but provided no specifics on which line items to cut/eliminate.

ATM Warrant – Board reviewed the warrant, article by article. Discussion included the Adv. Cmte. votes from Monday evening’s hearing, increases in the FY19 budget which are outside the norm (i.e. Parks & Rec salaries, due to reduced revenue in the revolving fund), and previous OPEB contributions. There is some concern whether considerably reducing the proposed OPEB contribution would affect the town’s bond rating. Nina will contact the town’s financial advisor for comment.

Art. 6, COA space – Group discussed issues around leasing space in the former Sonoma Restaurant at P.O. Place, for indeterminate or short-term use as a community/senior center. Jim O’Coin will be asked to speak on it on the ATM floor. The group also considered use of this space by community groups, noting that the Annex has a Facilities Use Policy and the Sonoma space would as well, to establish priorities for scheduling, etc.

Art. 7, Sale of Mechanics Hall – Nina reported on status of the well issue, and her communications with DEP. Further discussions with MassDEP will be necessary as it relates to the sale of Mechanics Hall and the well water.

Art. 8, 9 & 10, Stabilizing Bagg Hall, T.H. Annex, and Public Safety Complex – It was noted that a few members of the Adv. Cmte. have different suggestions on how to fund these articles, some of which are not feasible.

Art. 11 & 12, Public Safety Construction & Bagg Hall Renovation/Addition – The group discussed the option of amending these articles on the floor—and how to word them--to eliminate the “construction” portion and only request funds for the “design/OPM” portion.

Adjourn  3:40 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Draft of ATM 2018 warrant; debt service chart/graph w/calculations.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department